
Education Article, Education web, Kurikulum Merdeka

Teaching Tips Without Face-to-Face Meeting

Is it possible for a teacher to teach lesson material without meeting students face-to-face? 

In our opinion, the question above is a very easy question to answer. With the rapid development of technology, a teacher can transfer knowledge to students by utilizing various technological products.

The above conditions can be realized well if there is a media available to connect these technological products, and fortunately the internet is currently the right solution to bridge the needs in the field of education.

Before continuing this discussion, we invite you to read an article that explains several reasons why every teacher is advised to understand technology so that they can dive into what we will explain next.

Here are some tips from us for those of you teachers who have aspirations or intentions to teach without having to have face-to-face meetings too often:

Have a computer, smartphone, or tablet.

There is an internet connection.

Leisure time.

Students understand and can use technology products.

Physical condition is in good or excellent condition To better understand the points above, below we explain them one by one to help you implement and realize your goals.

1. Teachers and Students Have Computers, Smartphones or Tablets

If you are a teacher who happens to be unable to teach in class directly and want to do tele-education, then providing a set of computers, smartphones or tablets is certainly a must that cannot be ignored.

With a computer, tablet or smartphone, you can teach students without being limited by time and place. However, to truly be able to realize this situation, you need a stable and adequate internet connection.

Please see the next point to understand the role of internet connection in remote teaching activities. In addition to having several supporting technology products for tele-education, a teacher must also be able to operate the devices we mentioned above. This is necessary so that teaching and learning activities can run well without being hampered by many problems.

2. Stable and High-Speed ​​Internet Connection Available

As we have mentioned in the first point, an internet connection is also a requirement that must be met. Its role is equal to a computer and must always be available if you want to teach without face-to-face or direct meetings with students.

It should be underlined that the existing internet connection must have high access speed, so that it can minimize lagging when you convey information to students or vice versa. In addition to being fast, the internet connection must also be stable.

Therefore, we recommend that you first ensure that the internet connection you are using will really support your intentions and needs. The method is very easy, ask colleagues or neighbors who are 'using the connection' not to access the internet that consumes large bandwidth such as video streaming and downloading large files or data so that you can use the entire available bandwidth optimally.

In addition to being beneficial for you personally, a stable and high-speed internet connection will certainly provide additional benefits to students, namely being able to better understand the learning material you provide as if they were carrying out a direct teaching and learning process.

3. Sufficient Free Time Available

Remote teaching and learning activities usually occur when a teacher is in a condition that does not allow for direct meetings or face-to-face meetings in class. Some circumstances that often cause tele-educating are: 

The teacher is out of town. This situation does not only occur because of personal/family needs, but is very likely caused by needs that are still related to school.

The teacher is attending a seminar. Seminars related to education are not unusual, but teachers can still teach remotely in between their busy schedules.

The teacher is studying. Because we are sure and have seen that many teachers continue their studies to a higher level with the aim of gaining knowledge, experience, higher degrees and positions.

The teacher is undergoing training. Not much different from seminars, a teacher often attends various types of training that are still related to their profession.

The teacher is undergoing a healing process. Many cases show that teachers who are in the healing stage still have the intention to teach students.

By realizing the possibilities and conditions above, a teacher is expected to still be able to teach students/pupils/learners even though he/she is unable to attend directly at school or in class. So that way you can still be a teacher who can truly devote yourself without being limited by geographical location or time on condition that you must still have the intention and effort to make time in between the busyness that is being carried out.

4. Students Must Understand and Be Able to Operate Technology Products

We use the words must understand and be able to operate, meaning that students must really know and be able to use several technology products used in remote teaching activities.

Why should students know and be able to use devices like the ones we mentioned in the first point? Because if students do not know and cannot use them, then this tele-educating activity will certainly run blandly and can even be ineffective.

Therefore, you can also suggest to students to learn various technology devices, so that in the future it will provide benefits, both for students and for you as a teacher.

The use of computers, smartphones or tablets along with the ability to understand and use them in remote teaching and learning activities is a necessity that cannot be denied.

Because these technological devices are currently devices that can truly adopt your needs for teaching and learning activities without direct or direct face-to-face meetings.

5. Physical Condition is in Prime or Healthy Condition

It is no secret that every activity will run relatively well if the physical condition is in good, healthy, fit and prime condition. This certainly also applies to teaching and learning activities carried out remotely.

A teacher can carry out the process of transferring knowledge if his/her physical condition is in a supportive condition, regardless of his/her position which is in a condition that does not allow him/her to be present in person in front of students/pupils/pupils.

Therefore, we advise you (teachers) who happen to be reading this article and have the intention of carrying out the teaching process from a distance to prepare and ensure that your physical condition is in a healthy condition so that this tele-educating activity can run well and be beneficial for both parties.

Technology Tips Equipment Teachers and students Basically, technology as a learning tool supports the teaching process without direct face-to-face contact. This is included in the discussion above.

The tips in question are limitations in having technological tools, this sometimes becomes an obstacle for some students and even teachers to carry out learning without direct face-to-face contact.

Student loans are an alternative for your needs in terms of study demands. Student loans are usually needed by students, there are many different loan offers.

Discussing student loans for students, this includes those that are directly subsidized and those that are not subsidized.

That is our discussion regarding some teaching tips without face-to-face or direct meetings with students.

We hope that you can get additional information, insight, knowledge, experience and inspiration from this article. Thank you for your attention, see you in the next opportunity with other informative articles.

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